Revelation of the self and the individual’s place in a turbulent society combine to become the creative force that bubbles up in all artists' work. My solitary quest in the studio with paint and canvas is for personal satisfaction and understanding of the world. I also hope to communicate my personal view through my art to others. Realized on canvas through manipulation, imagination and hopefully some wisdom and skill, I explore color, dynamic composition and an expressionistic execution of the paint. In all the years I have been painting, this pattern has continued to energize and inspire me.
of Frederick
216 North Market Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Fridays & Saturdays, 12 - 9 pm
Sundays, 12 - 5 pm
or by appointment
(301) 696-8187
In Revelations, faces and flowers are the engagement or beginning point. To manipulate a visual language on the canvas and to express my personal view is not just a challenge but a satisfying process. Recognizable subjects, such as faces and flowers, allow me to explore my subconscious and creativity with ease. These subjects are familiar and yet they are mysterious.
Many times I will start with my own face. The Self Portrait, Triptych faces were painted rapidly one after the other but are distinctly different in mood as I explored different visual ideas and emotions about myself each time. In Love in the Time of Chaos I wanted to express a serene and harmonized face. The portraits of Tina and Clayton reveal the subjects’ moods and personalities as they were revealed during the sittings.
Flowers are no different from faces in their spectrum of moods. Harmony and joy, reverence and strength are expressive emotions captured with brush strokes, textures, composition and color, culminating in a final visual statement. One could imagine these flowers are also self portraits in their revelations.

Revelations: Sunday Sailing in Annapolis

Revelations: Tina

Love in the Time of Chaos

Mother's Day Bouquet
May 5 - 29
Linda Constant Robinson
Revelations in Faces and Flowers
First Saturday, May 6
6 - 8 pm

Revelations: Clayton

Self Portrait, Triptych