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MAY 2022

Featuring shows by Lusmerlin and Marc Weinberg plus work by all TAG artists in Gallery II.

MAY 6–29, 2022

RECEPTION: Sat. May 7, 5–8pm

ARTIST’S TALK: Sat. May 21, 3pm


Fri. & Sat., 12–8, Sunday 12–4

501 N. Market Street

Frederick, MD 21701


June: Sarah Higgins

July: "Still Peerless” Get the Sweet Scoop on TAG’s History (& Ice Cream Social!)

August: CALL FOR ART Le Salon: TAG's annual unjuried show. ENTER NOW

Lusmerlin The Ink Dancer
#5 200 N Mkt_DSF3770_Nik_DxO-Edit..jpeg

“The Ink Dancer”

In this exhibition, I explore my own figure as a subject of artistic work, allowing (and therefore controlling) the gaze of others through film. Using steps of ballet, Latin Dance, and my own expressive motions, I invite the viewers to learn what these steps look like on canvas, and to think of the trace of their own motion throughout life.


“An Evening's Respite”

This photographic exhibition is about Frederick during a lull in the pandemic. On a recent weekday evening after some rain, I walked N. Market St., hoping to capture Frederick’s heart and soul during these trying times. The results were most heartening, showing that Frederick and its people indeed are beautiful and irrepressible!

Artwork by TAG Artists

TAG Artists will be on display in Gallery II. Click on arrow to see additional images.

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