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Phil Berneburg, Sandra Fritter, 

Sheryl Massaro, Cam Miller

and Tom Ritche


of Frederick

216 North Market Street

Frederick, MD  21701 




Fridays & Saturdays, 12 - 9 pm

Sundays, 12 - 5 pm 

or by appointment

(301) 696-8187 


A group show of TAG Associates


FIRST SATURDAY, February 6, 5 - 9 PM


SUNDAY, January 21, 2 pm


In February, TAG/The Artists Gallery features a group show called “New Voices: 6x6.”  This is the first group exhibit of the new TAG Associates and includes selections from six members whose work includes ceramics, photography, and oil paintings.

Phil Berneburg’s masterful ceramics are part of a recent series, "Deep Time." These functional works of art reference the ancient history of stone surfaces and the mystery of their carbonized ferns and fossils.

Sandra Fritter’s plein air, studio, and figurative oils are painted quickly to capture essence, color, and light. They evoke freshness, deftly bringing an image’s immediacy to the canvas. 


Sheryl Massaro’s oils, photography, and poetry are of the everyday, yet subtly tap into life’s undertows. Nature, animals, architecture, and the human form are caught in the light and shading that enables them to be hidden, noticed, or noticeably hidden. 

Cam Miller’s stunning “light paintings" are from a technique that allows her to highlight or downplay elements when photographing still lifes. This control of the light gives a very painterly look to the final images, be they traditional or more industrial arrangements.


Thomas Ritchie’s series of exciting new plein air paintings explore color vibration and impasto effects of oil paint. Each work is completed entirely on site, capturing an impression of evolving, dynamic objects whether of city streets or country lanes. 

Karen Winston-Levin’s evocative paintings focus on the ways that light and shadow can define figures as well as structures. Her luminous compositions are simple and unfettered, sometimes avoiding outright description, sometimes limiting colors to sustain a mood.

The TAG Associates program began in 2015 to provide a venue for talented artists and photographers who do not wish to commit to full membership in the gallery.


TAG Talk

The TAG Associates will hold a session of the gallery’s TAG Talk program on Sunday, Feb. 21 from 2 to 3pm. Berneburg, Miller and Ritchie will discuss their work and processes. “New Voices,” along with a group show of work by full members of TAG, will run from February 5 through 28, with an opening reception from 5 to 9 pm during First Saturday on February 6. A closing reception will be held from 3 to 5 pm on Sunday, Feb. 28. Light refreshments will be served.


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