This month at TAG/The Artists Gallery
AFTERLIGHT: Karen Peacock

"Voyager" by Karen Peacock
September 6-29
Opening Reception: Sept. 7, 5-8 pm
Artist Talks: Sept. 21, 4 pm
Gallery Hours: Fri–Sat 12-8 pm,
Sun 12-4pm
Featured artist: Karen Peacock
Karen Peacock’s exhibit, Afterlight, celebrates the power of darkness.
“I sometimes think sunny blue skies are overrated,” says Peacock. “The images in this collection are influenced by the night, the cosmos, and even certain mental states.”
The exhibit includes a diverse assortment of paintings, photography, assemblages, and mixed-media pieces featuring vintage dresses and other objects.
During the opening reception, all visitors —children included—are encouraged to dress reflecting the show’s theme. All interpretations are welcome, whether it’s elegant formalwear, a Halloween costume, or anything in between. Prizes for outstanding attire will be awarded at 6:30 during the September 7 event.
THE DANCE: Julie Maynard

"Successful Bees" by Julie Maynard
Featured artist: Julie Maynard
What if you’ve discovered something no one else knows? How do you share the richness of a new resource, the rightness of a landscape, the joy that attends the advent of a queen?
You dance. The patterns are set but the tempo is up to you, as are the colors you choose.
For Maynard, honeybees and native pollinators are more than vital parts of our food chain. “They also affect our sense of well-being,” she says. “They hum with energy and purpose, yet they give our thoughts a place to rest as we consider our place in an orderly universe that can, so easily, go awry.”
Maynard’s solo show, The Dance, will fill TAG’s Gallery II with color and sound. Mixed media collage will be joined by video and collaborations with bees who have chewed paper, built wax comb, and worked around some surprising objects in their rush to fill hives with honey to last through the coming winter.

Selected work from TAG member artist Exhibition
October: Leslie King and Pat Scull
November: Marie Riccio and Luc Fiedler
December: Jolly, Art Exhibition & Pop-up shop